Irwin x Novisto: A practical guide to understanding ESG - Part 2

In the second part of the Novisto and Irwin collaboration, the focus is on how IROs can prepare for the changing expectations of shareholders on ESG issues, including climate change, biodiversity loss, income inequality, and human rights.
IROs should be prepared to engage with audiences on these topics, and have a clear narrative and compelling messaging about how the company is addressing various ESG issues, ideally integrated into corporate strategy and business models.
Additionally, IROs need to prepare their C-suite to speak confidently and clearly about ESG issues, while proactively asking existing and potential investors about their responsible investment practices and identifying long-term investors supportive of a company's efforts to integrate sustainability.
IROs should also be honest in explaining the company's current state of play regarding ESG issues and gather information on investors' responsible investment approaches and perceptions of the company's ESG practices.
Finally, IROs should expect new and previously unsuspected sources of engagement activity from passive investors adopting responsible investment practices, making engagement the only activity available to them to influence companies to better manage their ESG or sustainability-related issues.
Find more information in the white paper below.