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ESG Data,


Novisto is committed to applying industry standards to protect your data.

Novisto's ESG Reporting & Data Management Software - Cloud Platform

Modern and secure ESG Platform.

Novisto ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data with the most advanced security capabilities.

Novisto is committed to compliance with

Global Compliance

Novisto’s operations, policies, and procedures are audited regularly to ensure that they meet and exceed all cloud standards expected by companies.

Data Privacy

We adhere to all regulations and best practices for the collection, management, and protection of personal data.​

Security by Design

The Novisto platform is developed and maintained using rigorous security best practices.

Access Management​

We provide easy access to the platform without compromising security via SSO and two-factor authentication.​


Stay informed on the most important development and recent trends in ESG and sustainability management.