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ESG Forum: Making an Impact

Artistic photo from Novisto event

A recap of Novisto’s inaugural ESG Forum, a thought leadership event on sustainability and impact.

Novisto delivers successful inaugural thought leadership event on ESG, sustainability, and impact.

Montreal, November 14, 2022. - Novisto is proud to have delivered a very successful first edition of its ESG thought leadership event, here in Montreal.The Novisto ESG Forum: making an impact held at the Phi Center on November 4th brought together more than 150 business leaders from Canada, the US, and Europe who are embracing sustainability-aligned business practices and who believe in technology as a catalyst for ESG adoption and integration.

“What inspires us everyday is working with ESG practitioners, sustainability leaders, and ESG leaders from across the globe who are building a more sustainable world through their daily work”, stated Charles Assaf, CEO of Novisto. “This is exactly the reason why we decided to create Novisto’s ESG forum. We want to build a global community — a community where we can share and learn from one another — and we want to bring together talented and influential thinkers in the very fast changing ESG space.”

The generous and insightful contributions of an array of distinguished speakers contributed to the success of this event, including Paul Desmarais III (Sagard), Monique Leroux (formerly Mouvement Desjardins), Estelle Métayer (Competia), Hélène V. Gagnon (CAE), André-Martin Bouchard (WSP), David Wray (DFCG Group International), Hafeez Ladha (Boston Consulting Group), Bertrand Millot (CDPQ), and Mariama Dupuis (Sagard).  

In ‘walking the talk’,  Novisto made every effort to source this event responsibly. It has also calculated the carbon footprint associated with the travel of guests and speakers and made a contribution of CA$2,000 (based on a carbon price per tCO2e aligned with the Paris Agreement) to ClientEarth, a unique environmental charity using the law to address climate change. 

About Novisto

Novisto contributes to the sustainability of the economy, environment, and society by empowering companies to make better decisions and disclosures through our ESG data management software.. Founded in Montreal in 2019, Novisto is building the ERP for ESG, enabling companies to leverage a data-centric approach to better report on and manage their sustainability-related issues. o. Novisto is a private company backed by Diagram Ventures, Portag3 Ventures and White Star Capital.