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CSRD Solution Overview

Stylized preview of the Novisto CSRD Solution Overview resource.

The CSRD era is here. How can companies meet its extensive requirements?

With unparalleled rigor, the EU’s CSRD is reshaping mandatory sustainability reporting on a global scale.

As the directive takes effect, businesses are faced with the challenge of identifying, assessing, and reporting on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities like never before. It's a new era, demanding innovative solutions to keep pace.

That's where Novisto comes in.

Our all-in-one CSRD software ensures that the right data is collected for the CSRD and other standards and frameworks. It simplifies data collection and approval workflows—generating investor-grade, audit-ready qualitative and quantitative ESG data—and empowers more effective decisions and disclosures.

Explore the Novisto CSRD Solution Overview to meet the requirements of, and seize the opportunities presented by the CSRD.

Stylized preview of the Novisto CSRD Solution Overview resource.

Download the Solution Overview